Crate dotrix_core[][src]

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Dotrix core crate crate provides generic features.


pub use animation::Animator;
pub use assets::Assets;
pub use camera::Camera;
pub use transform::Transform;
pub use ecs::System;
pub use ecs::Priority;
pub use ecs::RunLevel;
pub use input::Input;
pub use ray::Ray;
pub use renderer::Renderer;
pub use window::Window;
pub use window::Monitor;
pub use window::VideoMode;


Animation components and systems

Assets and management service

Dotrix camera implementation


Dotrix core components

Entity Component System

Input service, ray casting service and utils

Mouse ray implementation

Rendering service and system, pipelines, abstractions for models, transformation, skybox, lights and overlay


Services are very important part of Dotrix. Technicaly the service is a standard Rust structure with methods. Logically, services are providers of interfaces to various features.

Transformation structure and builder

Window service - a wrapper for winit::window::Window instance.


Count parameters

Macros implementing all necessary archetyoes, patterns, querries and iterators for different types of tuples

Recursive macro treating arguments as a progression


Application data to maintain the process

RGBA Color.

Material component

Rendering output configuration

Application Builder

Frame tracking service

Centralized container service for uniforms and other data

Asset identifier

Rendering control component

Transformed Skin state

Service wrapper

Service to store and manage entities


Trait providing extendablity

Service abstraction